Privacy Policy


B2B SOLUTIONS, SLU, hereinafter, the RESPONSIBLE, is the Responsible for processing the personal data of the User and communicates him that these data shall be  processed pursuant  to the provisions of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April of 2016 (GDPR), on the protection of protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, so the following information on the processing is showed bellow:

Purpose of the processing: keeping a professional relationship (informative and commercial) with the User. The operations expected to carry out the processing are: 

      • Sending of commercial and advertising communications via email, fax, SMS, MMS, social networks or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enables commercial communications. These communications shall be send by the RESPONSIBLE and shall be related with its products and services, or with its collaborators and suppliers with which any agreement on promotions has been reached. In this case, the third parties shall be enabled to access to the personal details
      • Conduct statistical studies
      • Process orders, applications or any type of requests to be carried out by the user by any of the contact means at his disposal
      • Send the newsletter of the website
      • If you have sent us your CV, we shall process it for the purpose of meeting our staff needs

Data storage criteria: they shall be stored while a mutual interest still exists in order to maintain the end of the processing and when they are no longer required to that end, they shall be eliminated under appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymisation of data or the total destruction thereof. These criteria are equally valid for CV, ensuring a total respect for their confidentiality both in the processing and in their subsequent destruction.

Communication of data: The CV data shall be only communicated to third-party companies involved in selection procedures; the rest of the collected data shall not be communicated unless in cases of legal obligation.

Rights assisting the User:

      • Right to withdraw the consent at any time
      • Right to access, rectify, transfer and remove the data and to restrict and oppose to its treatment
      • Right to file a claim before the control authority ( if the user considers that the processing does not met the current regulations

Contact data to exercise these rights:

Mail address: B2B SOLUTIONS, SLU. Calle Velazquez, 157 1 – 28002 Madrid (MADRID). Email:


Users, by filling the corresponding boxes and filling the relevant details in the contact, sign-off or other forms, do expressly, freely and clearly accept that his data are necessary for his request to be granted by the provider. The User guarantees that the personal data provided to the RESPONSIBLE party are true and becomes responsible for communicating any modification thereof. The RESPONSIBLE party expressly informs and ensures users that their personal data shall not be transferred in any case to third parties and, in case of need, the unequivocal express consent informed and by the Users shall be requested in advance.


That, pursuant to the provisions of the current regulations on personal data protection, the RESPONSIBLE shall comply with all the provisions of the GDPR regulations for the processing of personal data under its responsibility, and clearly with the principles set forth in article 5 of the GDPR, by which they shall be processed in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner in relation to the interested party, and in an appropriate, pertinent and limited manner to what is required regarding the purposes for which they are processed.

The RESPONSIBLE party ensures that the appropriate technical and organizational policies are implemented to apply the security measures established by the GDPR in order to protect the Users’ rights and freedoms and appropriate information has been communicated so that they can exercise them.

Madrid          –         London          –         Paris          –          Berlin          –           Milan

B2B Solutions
C/ Velázquez, 157,  28002 Madrid
Tel.: +34 910 593 478